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Unlock over $1 Trillion of Global Capital Access with Direct Channels to Over 10M Investors.
4,97 / 5 based on 90+ clients
Trusted by more than 90 founders across the globe

Find your next VC, Angel, Fund, Accredited Retail Investor, Lender or Private Equity Partner.
Unlock over $1 Trillion of Global Capital Access with Direct Channels to Over 10M Investors.
4,97 / 5 based on 91+ clients

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Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Palmstone Growth Partners
"Nils and his team helped source new capital deals and equity oppurtunities.
They also supported in structuring some phenomenal debt deals and acquire immense amounts of new capital globally for our aerospace fund."
Dr. Martin Baranowski
Managing Director & Board Member
KGAL GmbH & Co. KG
"As we sell enterprise level software, cold email can be quite tricky and difficult.
But - although being sceptical in the beginning - the sales engine of PGP and their incredible team have managed to bring more consistancy into our funnel.
Until know, we've added close to $1,280,000 MRR as a result of working with them."
Marcus B. (Name changed - NDA)
Co–Founder & CEO
Y-Combinator Startup (YC 21)
"The Palmstone Growth Partners have been our trusted partner for more than a year and we have been consistently impressed with the results. Our sales have more than doubled thanks to their unique approach, which clearly stands out from other market providers.
While others have promised much but delivered little, the PGP team has actually delivered."
Jannik Linke
CEO & Owner
Clementine Media GmbH
"The collaboration is going great and we couldn't be happier about it.
Thanks to this unique approach, we can focus on our core business model and don't have to deal with the constant hustle of acquiring customers and new business."
Julian Hourrier
Co–Founder & Managing Director
Colayer GmbH
"Nils and his team are absolute experts in the field of outbound marketing in the B2B sector. Within less than 6 months, they have scaled us to €224,000 in monthly recurring revenue.
I would go out on a limb and say that they are the best in Germany, if not Europe."
Konstantin Rott
CEO & Owner
Reelscale & True Life Ltd.
"We loved the entire service from the beginning.
The team is super friendly, their is constant slack support and you get regular updates.
The meetings we're getting are top-notch, we even had 2 with Nike and Footlocker, managed to close a 7 figure deal with Footlocker."
Marc Sigant
Partnerships & Enterprise Strategy
Intero Digital
"The campaigns were not only creative but also highly effective, resulting in more than 129 high-quality leads and set appointments."
Marc Trejavanik
Head of Business Delopment
Costello Medical
"We never expected to generate 100+ leads in just a few weeks, we even had to stop the campaign. We could have saved ourselves the rodeo with other agencies."
Martin Vinzens
CEO & Managing Director
Indrivetec AG
"The Palmstone Growth Partners devised a comprehensive strategy that highlighted our innovative culture and competitive benefits, attracting top talent globally."
Paul Steer
Partnerships and Operations
Sundyne Industries
"We have signed more than 12 clients within no time for our agency. In between we had to stop the campaign as we couldn't fulfill our service any longer.
Absolutely recommend Nils and his team."
Felix Fischer
Founder & Owner
66 Ventures Ltd.
"Nils built our supply chain in no time.
The work was accurate, efficient and fast. At some we were oversubscribed and had too much supply built up. "
Christian Lenz
Founder & CEO
Bike Hub GmbH (
"Nils advised us on venture deals and sourced many, new exceptional deals.
His dedication was extraordinary. "
Kai Künne
Managing Director
True Growth Capital Verwaltungs GmbH
We've booked meetings with:
You're in experienced hands
Palmstone Growth Partners® in numbers.
trusted by 91+ leaders across the globe
Average ROI
Over the last year clients using our infrastructure have achieved an average ROI of 12,19.
Generated Deal Value
Within 5 years we have generated almost 200M USD in opportunity value for more than 150 clients.
Booked Qualified Calls
We have booked more than 20K qualified calls, meaning these are the calls with interested prospects.
Real results of actual campaigns requests
(87+ booked calls within 7 days)
Instantly campaign results
(63+ booked calls within 16 days)
Smartlead campaign results
(191+ booked calls within 12 days)
Discovery Calls
(46+ booked calls within 5 days)
Case Study: Y–Combinator Start–up (YC 21 Confidential)
Added $10.996.400 Million in annual recurring revenue (ARR) within 12 months.
Marcus replied to one our cold emails after raising a Series A and had to grow a lot faster; their own sales team was at maximum capacity and couldn't generate higher growth rates.
Their company is a US–bases Enterprise SaaS selling high ticket software.
They needed to reach Heads of Business Development, VPs, CEOs or Founders.
Using mostly our own database (which contains 1.6b leads) we built extensive lists of their Ideal Customers, and enriched leads with technologies, in order to for us to find a relevant angle.
Within 13 weeks we booked 231 demos, of which 197 turned into trials and a 149 turned into customers (after closing sales cycle approx. 2 months).
Overall this means a staggering 64.5% conversion, which is almost unheard of in outbound.
"Nils' team has an insane work ethic, very suited for companies that need extreme growth. We are an Enterprise SaaS company, so our clients are mostly behemoths and not easy to get a hold of (if you're not doing network sales).

They booked meetings with companies like Amazon and J.P. Morgan and we have added close to $11M in ARR.

If we don't take this in house, we'll stick with them until we do an IPO."
Marcus B. (Name changed - NDA)
Head of Business Development
Y-Combinator Startup (YC 21)
Case Study: Unstack (acquired by elastic path)
136 booked calls and $1.1 Million in generated deal value.
"When I jump into our weekly sales meetings majority of our qualified opportunities are sourced from Palmstone Growth Partners. So whatever you guys are doing - just keep doing it!"
Grant Deken
Unstack (acquired by Elastic Path)
Unstack had very limited resources in sales and marketing. They needed an outbound firm that could scale up outreach within a few weeks and drive qualified opportunities.
Unstack is best suited for marketers at online brands with limited resources.
These were identified scraping BuiltWith, then enriched in our own data base and segmented according to their position.
Then we built a custom mailserver and launched direct outreach campaigns using custom PGP Whitelist Infrastructure.
We also nurtured all prospects who did not convert with webinar recordings and case studies.
1. We booked 136 calls with interested prospects.
2. Around 35% of these conversations turned into sales with a deal value of $1.1 Million.
Case Study: Helpshift
287 booked calls and $1.7 Million in generated deal value.
Helpshift needed an agency to help feed their sales team qualified opportuniites. They did not have the expertise in–house and decided to hire an agency.
As Helpshift is an AI–driven Support Platform they targeted mostly B2B companies in the tech space. Using our own custom lead database (containing 1.6 billion leads) we built different segmented subaudiences and approached managers of support, customer success and operations teams.
In 2022, we kicked over 287 leads to Helpshift. Around 44% turned into qualified sales with a deal value of $1.7 Million.
The PGP outbound system books 25–35 month on a consistent basis.
"What a run we've had since working together is absolutely amazing. Our sales reps are at full capacity due to the PGP team and their outbound engine."
Seb Ohsan Berthelsen
Strategy & Operations
helpshift (acquired by Keyword Studios)
Case Study: Prospyre
439 booked calls, $9.21 Million in generated deal value.
"When I jump into our weekly sales meetings majority of our qualified opportunities are sourced from Palmstone Growth Partners. So whatever you guys are doing - just keep doing it!"
Janine Merker
Chief Operating Officer
Prospyre, is another company of one of our existing customers.
Thats why they knew from the get go, that what we're doing is working.
Hence, they offered an equity stake and retainer for us to become their long term Go–to–Market partner and do all their outreach and build the sales processes.
Prospyre is a recruiting and lead generation company for companies in the IT, Consulting and Coaching sector focused on the DACH region.
They use machine learning and artificial intelligence to build custom Look–a–like audiences that get them 10x cheaper lead prices than the competition.
Using varies databases, such as North Data (which we enriched seperately), ZoomInfo, and our own, we built extensive lists of their Ideal Customers.
Then we built a custom mailserver and launched direct outreach campaigns using custom PGP Whitelist Infrastructure.
We booked 439 meetings using our B2B email outbound system at full blast. Around 42% of these converted into opportunities which is around $9.21M in pipeline value.
1. We booked 439 booked calls with interested prospects.
2. Around 42% of these conversations turned into qualified opportunities with a deal value of $9.21M.
Become an industry leader.
We'll help you build one of the fastest growing businesses in your industry.
Join more than 90 founders, GTM-leaders and sales teams across the globe
Our Process.
What you can expect when working together.
Screening Call or Waitlist
You book a call with a member of our team and we get to know each other.
First things first: We want to know if and how we can help you.
If there is no option available to book a call, we're at full capacity.
Your Time–Invest: 20 min
Outreach Consultation
Being in this stage means, we think you and us could be a fit to work together and we'll dive into the details of a potential partnership.
We'll evaluate how your current sales process works, show you in–depth case studies, and crunch the numbers as well as costs with you.

In the end there's 2 options:
A) We see a match made in heaven and we'll make you an offer on the spot (happens 10% of the time).
B) We'll discuss your case internally and get back to you with an offer or refusal (happens 90% of the time).
We do this, as we have a 100% Performance Track–Record and have yet to fail a single client. And we intend to keep it that way.
Your Time–Invest: 60–90 min
Kick-Off & Onboarding
This marks the official start of working together.
In this stage, we'll discuss what you can expect, the timeframe, when we're launching the campaigns and what action steps have to be undertaken.
You get the chance to ask all remaining questions in a Kick–Off call with a member of our Core Team or Nils himself.
Additionally you're getting access to your own dedicated Slack Channel in which our team will be available almost 24/7.

In the meantime, your own emailserver, Whitelist IP, Artificial Intelligence Screening, Booking Bot, Leadlist Building and Copywriting will be built simultaneously in the Backend.
Your Time–Invest: 30 min
Optional: Offer Advisory
This stage is optional.
If during our initial talks we determine that your offer needs restructuring in order for us to work with you, we'll set–up a 2h Offer Creation & Positioning session.
This session essentially helps to build and create an offer that not only sells itself but it also scalable from an operational point of view on your end.

An offer workshop is a prerequisite for some companies as a good cold email will never make up for a bad offer.
Find out more about how our Offer Creation and Positioning sessions works here.
Your Time–Invest: 120 min
Campaign Launch
We're launching your campaign.
Typically it takes 2–4 days until the first calls are booked; sometimes depending on your target–group and region this might also take longer.
You will be notified in Slack and will get real–time updates, whenever a call is scheduled.
We will always A/B test campaigns, even if they're successful already to create even stronger momentum.
Ihr Zeitinvest: 0 min
4.97 out of 5 (91+ active clients)
Frequently Asked Questions
An assembly of the most asked questions we have received over time.
What is the pricing model like? Do I need to commit for several months at once?
We charge a monthly retainer or work on a pay-per-qualified-meeting model.
At the start of our engagement, we want you to commit to the first three months, as we find this to be a reasonable time period to assess whether campaigns will be successful or not. After that, there is no long-term commitment or lock-in.
Our goal is to win your business every month by providing a service you’re happy to keep paying for.
How do you protect my domain reputation? Will my emails land in spam if we send too many?
We don’t use your primary domain to send our outreach emails.
If you’re doing so, you should stop immediately, as it will have a disastrous impact on your domain reputation overall. Instead, we build out proprietary email infrastructure with a secondary domain, that runs on your own, seperate mailserver and dedicated Microsoft Whitelist IP.
Essentially like this, we have the same IP when sending an email as if Microsoft themselves were sending the email. This means we have a 99,97% deliverability rate.
In comparison to other outbound companies, GTM consultants and marketing firms, we don't need to warm-up email accounts and can send high volumes from day 1 without suffering from spam.
Whatever happens with this domain – your main domain reputation is always safe.
How do you ensure that you're not reaching out to existing customers or prospects we are already in contact with?
During your onboarding process you will be able to upload a CSV file with all existing customers and prospects (emails or domains). This can be an export of your CRM.
These will be automatically blocked in our system and won't be able to receive any emails.
How long until I see first meetings?
Typically it takes 4-8 business days until the first calls are booked; sometimes - depending on your target-group and region - this might also take longer.
You will be notified in Slack and will get real-time updates, whenever a call is scheduled.
How quickly can you launch a campaign?
From the moment you sign a contract, you should count 2-4 weeks before seeing your first campaign live.
The first weeks are dedicated to building your email infrastructure, mailserver and Whitelist IP. We’ll set up a secondary, whitelisted domain and mailboxes.
During the warm-up process, we build your lead lists and draft your email sequences. This process usually takes 2-4 weeks – which means that we send our first outreach messages by week 3.
It may happen that campaign launches take a bit longer if our onboarding queue is fully staffed.
Why do you have a waitlist?
As we already have a large workload and our infrastructure is fairly different from other market solutions, we operate at full technical capacity most of the time.
Hence we are very careful about which clients we work with.
However, if you join the waitlist, we might reach out to you earlier than anticipated on the waitlist if your company is a very good fit or we are expanding our technical capacity.
Note: The date given on the page on when we accept new clients is an estimate only.
© 2024 Palmstone Group. All rights reserved.
Palmstone Growth Partners is a subsidary of the Palmstone Ventures LLC and the Palmstone Group Limited.